So to my few remaining fans....I will prove to you that I have been up to "good" and the raising of my children!
Let's begin...

Let's begin...
I am new to this area...and with the warm weather my kindness has been in bloom...the kids and I made up some "edible" bouquets to deliver to friends that have helped make this move more "gentle" on our family....I wish I could of sent all of you some of these tasty treats....who doesn't love being thought of??? We all need some thoughtfulness from time to don't wait for someone to bake you a goodie...go - bake- give!
Next, It's Baseball/softball Season.....Yeah!
Now, while Kailee-my 14yr. old looks great in her softball gear....who out there doesn't want to just squeeze my adorable 6yr old. in his little league uniform?

I's not the Baltimore Orioles...he's not wearing his Uncle's team...but I'll root and cheer on this little Texas Ranger any day....he really loves his sports! Paul was home this weekend and getting Jake ready for his game-He just loves it when his Daddy is home to go to games with him and it helps us keep the faith that one day Jake may just let go of the umbilical cord that binds Jake to his mommy constantly...sports shows us a glimpse of how a boy doesn't need his mommy-especially out on the field-it's a "boy only "thing and Daddy is much needed! Any-Who! Paul said to Jake something like "Jake it will be fun and you'll have a good time" and with his usual sigh to our parental dumbness Jake said "No, Daddy it's only about winning-that's the most important thing"...Sure He looks like his daddy-he loves his mommy -but where did this little guy learn that??? Again he is cute and we just love watching the hard work our children put in to being a part of a team...and to do well for themselves too! Go... hard!
And now we go to our Spring break 2009=2 extra kids-a lot of celebrities-and family time!Our sweet friends from North Carolina sent out their 2 girls, Carly and Kendall, to spend the break with us. They flew in Sat. night and Sunday was Easter. And what an Easter it was...Kai, Paul and I were the whole Easter program at church...yeah! I have given a million talks before but coming off the tailwind move, visitors coming, Paul traveling, and our plans to drive to L.A. right after church-my head was spinning...I am not so sure that anything I said made sense...but Paul and Kai did great on their talks. It was really nice to take some time to really think through what this Easter season means to me-sometimes we run and run and I forget to really slow it down a bit and think of what really matters. Giving this talk "urged" me to reflect on a deeper level how the ressurection means everything to me-what hopes and promises it holds-and how there is so much joy and love in knowing that our Savior died for us and showed us the talk may have been jibbersh but pulling out of my heart what I know and feel-I don't regret one bit!
My 6 kids for Easter! The bunny loves them all!
Sooooo off to L.A. we went...on Monday the weather was great and we had a relaxing time at the pool...Tuesday was a bit different...the winds kicked in and it wasn't the best day for the beach....but read on my friends and you will see how to make lemonade out of lemons!
We found a little pizzeria(delish!) on Hermosa beach since the sand and wind was not exactly ideal...see photo above! But we made the most of it!
We found a little pizzeria(delish!) on Hermosa beach since the sand and wind was not exactly ideal...see photo above! But we made the most of it!
Kai and Carly
We salvaged that part of the day with pizza and cute pictures of the kids at beach and then headed back to we turned into the parking lot of our hotel I noticed a sign that said "filming" with an arrow pointing next to our parking lot...turned around and said to all 8 of us...let's check it out...Carly and Kendall start yelling "it's CSI Miami"...o.k our day is starting to catch some action!

It ends up they film the "crime scene unit" building right next to our hotel...the site manager comes out and tell us that he'd be happy to send some of the stars out as soon as they have a break in filming...tells us to come back in a bit and that they love to connect with their fans. He gives us the low down on how this is the season finale being filmed, etc. We go back to our room and clean up...go back and everyone is so friendly to us...Emily Proctor and her bodyguard come out and just talk and talk with the kids...she was the nicest ever...she is from North Carolina too and pulls out her sweet southern talk...just so great with the kids. I am no celeb crazy was just fun for the kids and Emily couldn't of been more down to earth acting non-celeb! It was great and the kids just ate it up....I saw her fake badge and gun and said that I had to get a photo of she went all out and posed for us...she was great!
It ends up they film the "crime scene unit" building right next to our hotel...the site manager comes out and tell us that he'd be happy to send some of the stars out as soon as they have a break in filming...tells us to come back in a bit and that they love to connect with their fans. He gives us the low down on how this is the season finale being filmed, etc. We go back to our room and clean up...go back and everyone is so friendly to us...Emily Proctor and her bodyguard come out and just talk and talk with the kids...she was the nicest ever...she is from North Carolina too and pulls out her sweet southern talk...just so great with the kids. I am no celeb crazy was just fun for the kids and Emily couldn't of been more down to earth acting non-celeb! It was great and the kids just ate it up....I saw her fake badge and gun and said that I had to get a photo of she went all out and posed for us...she was great!
Way fun...and then we were off to just "see" hollywood Blvd. and take one quick picture of a star on the Blvd. We didn't dress for a night out 'cause we just had to see the hollywood sign and say we experienced L.A. and grab a few photos. Driving down the Blvd. we noticed some craziness up ahead of us in front of the Kodak theatre.....lots of limos and lots of lights!
Paul pulls up to the security guys and I roll down my window....they come up to the car with their ear pieces in and tell me that it's the premier of "17 again" and that they were just told that Zach Effron will be showing up in about 45minutes and to pull over and go right across the street and that Zach will come across the street to see us....what a kind man...he tells us one else has a we park and wait.....and the stars just start rolling in! Literally!

Paul pulls up to the security guys and I roll down my window....they come up to the car with their ear pieces in and tell me that it's the premier of "17 again" and that they were just told that Zach Effron will be showing up in about 45minutes and to pull over and go right across the street and that Zach will come across the street to see us....what a kind man...he tells us one else has a we park and wait.....and the stars just start rolling in! Literally!
Yeah I know...I am a celebrity magnet....and they just keep coming...we are just a few yards from the limos and cars shuffling in the stars...and so for the sake of my children I stand on my tip-toes for 2 hours snapping the shots....with screaming fans...celebs running across the street to see us...all in a days work in L.A.!

Matthew Perry...takes off to see us....way nice guy....and THEN the Jonas brothers....holy cow!
And then the American Idols who were left at that point....smiling ear to ear to hear fans screaming for them! (I have sooo many more photos...but Vanesa Hudgens was a snot and wouldn't turn for the fans...and this blog could go on and on but I think you get the point and feel the rush of being right there!)
And then back home to do some baking...renting dvds and to just chill before we went to the premeir in our home town of "17 again". We took the girls to Tahoe and did more shopping. It was so great to have the girls visit us...I survived having 6 kids...even though it was like having 2 sets of twins in the mix...but they are a great bunch of kids!
We finished up the break with a bang. Our visitors left on Saturday Morning (well ,were supposed to and then their flights were cancelled-all while we had headed up to being Mormon and calling on friends came in handy to pick up the girls and keep them overnight till their flight left the next morning!) and we took off for Utah...Paul had work to do-he worked the whole time while we hung out with my sis and her fiance'(a whole other blog worked at Johns cafe in Taipan....loved it!), Darolyn's fiance' was trying to put together a proposal so we could be there for it and Jake had some dental work done which required sedation and a lot of stress on his mommy.....but it was a great extended weekend and we returned late Tuesday night. I think I am still recovering! Paul works like crazy...he never takes down time....I work like crazy and never have down time...and somehow we pull it all off. I hear of all these get-a-ways with the hubby and Paul and I could only dream of it at this stage in our just isn't in the cards for us right now. I really need to get out the pictures of past get-a-ways to remind me that our time will again come...He is my best friend. The running around that we do (or that I do) isn't as simple as it used to be. Teenagers change things...when we lived in North Carolina we had resources that allowed us to "hire" friends to watch the kids. Now I look at my calendar and don't know how I make it to can't hire out for this current lifestyle! It's my life and I love it. I may not find the time to blog enough, call enough, write, or send way over-due birthday packages...but I'm still here. One day I'll get a better grip and post weekly or daily or at least more often. Thanks for grudging through my ramblings-we all need a trip away(even with 6 kids) or encounters with celebs to remind us how fabulous our lives are....and in case it isn't happening in your on my friends and we'll share it in our blogs!