I looked back and saw Jake in the back seat of the car playing on the way to drop him off at kindergarten...is there anything better than seeing a boy's imagination at play....after 3 girls this never ceases to tickle me...cars, planes, trucks....please stay little Jake and play with legos, and cars.... and get big eyes when you see a tractor or dump truck, or Garbage truck going down the road! (P.S. my choices at this moment are to 1. take a shower now or I won't get one today 2. follow through on the threat to the 2 girls that if their rooms aren't picked up before going to school that when they come home all that is left out will be confiscated 3. start dinner or there will be no dinner with the running off to softball practice 4. blogging 5. eating lunch so I don't binge on "crap food" later cause I didn't eat lunch........guess which choice I choose?)