I looked back and saw Jake in the back seat of the car playing on the way to drop him off at kindergarten...is there anything better than seeing a boy's imagination at play....after 3 girls this never ceases to tickle me...cars, planes, trucks....please stay little Jake and play with legos, and cars.... and get big eyes when you see a tractor or dump truck, or Garbage truck going down the road! (P.S. my choices at this moment are to 1. take a shower now or I won't get one today 2. follow through on the threat to the 2 girls that if their rooms aren't picked up before going to school that when they come home all that is left out will be confiscated 3. start dinner or there will be no dinner with the running off to softball practice 4. blogging 5. eating lunch so I don't binge on "crap food" later cause I didn't eat lunch........guess which choice I choose?)
Oh, Jen! Just enjoy that little boy of yours...we miss him and all of you so much. I'm all for clean rooms, planes, tranes, automobiles and bad food to binge on!!! xoxo
see...i binged on creme brulee ice cream and now i can't even spell trains!!
I love you Jen! Thanks for blogging, and I love my boys. We all watched our garbage man today and he gave my boys his usual wave and they giggled with enthusiasm.
Jake is too cute. I could stick him in my pocket and take him home. I love his little lisp and the imagination little boys have is so fun.
Wait! are we all just supposed to ignore the fact that you haven't written ALL month? I (that has no life) go and check daily and NOTHING... Anyhow, I just had to say that since I haven't heard from you at all... BUT you do have the cutest little boy in the world and I remember when my mom made that threat... she lived up to it... boy was I mad... Hope you are doing good... I'll chat more with you sometime
I am so glad you have your little guy. I love being home with mine. He is so sweet and I also love watching him play. I am sad to send him to Kindergarten next year. Do you think they will mind if I just peek through the window at him all day???
How small is this world? I have been following (and crying almost every time) the gledhill blog : http://www.thegledhillfamily.blogspot.com/
And I thought the "stef" below looked familiar. I know "you" from Charlotte and you know her from? and I don't know her but I have been inspired by her sister(I do believe). I have gone through a lot the last few weeks and every time I would think about how things were just wrong, I would go to the above website and realize just how much love a mother has for her child and just how great the family unit can be. I have lost my self pity upon realizing the short time that she had with Gracie. I have had the spirit touch me as Paul Cardall created a song just for them.
I'm so glad that you have your beautiful children and I hope you get to see each one of them have 8 grand babies - you are the best mom and WILL be the best grandma anyone could ever have. (not wishing that upon you any time soon...). I hope you are doing great!!!
Hey Jen! I am just stalking your blog through Kristina's. I know I don't know you very well yet, but I had to get the scoop on your life and family! :) If you want to see my blog, you will have to email me at tswillardson@yahoo.com Have a great day-I will be calling those girls of yours to start babysitting!
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