" I believe in the sun even when it is not love even when I am alone...and in God even when He is silent."

inscription found scatched into a wall in Germany, by someone hiding from Nazi concentration camps

Thursday, September 17, 2009

To Blog or hang with the Horses in my front yard???

I have sooo much to catch up this is a test to anyone who may even know that I have a blog...comments will inspire me...and hopefully a catch-up will keep the blog in me flowing...but in case you were wondering why I haven't been is the run down:
A week in the hospital with Aunt Mo, many doctor visits, Kai becoming a cheerleader at her High School, school starting with one school 15+miles in opposite directions of each other, kids at 3 different schools, soccer starting, speech for Jake, lots of summer trips to Calif. a couple of times, Oregon a couple of times, Utah, lots of trips to Lake Tahoe, Paul gone all the time, my calling in RS, clothing fair, pear orders, VT conferences to conduct, scorpions to kill (told the kids it was just a bug) I took over a 1000 pictures this summer-where do I start, cats to love, visiting teaching to do, and dinner to cook :) and wild horses that come and eat the grass in our front yard (side note: Kai's HS is "home of the Mustangs" and near the front of the school there are "caution wild horses" signs. I thought it was for school spirit when we first moved is reallllllly for wild horses!

The Guthrie's in 2006

The Guthrie's in 2006