this post is sooooo overdue....on February 15th my baby girl....my last to let me braid, put pigtails and bows in her hair...to wear ballerina outfits, twirl, to love pink and hello kitty......she turned ten. She loves to wear brown and grey now. My days of barbie dolls are gone until I am ever so fortunate to be a grandmother...and that day will soooo be welcomed because girls are my life....for the minor exception of one little man!
Sadie can put the pink away and box up all of her hello kitty things....but dear daughter of mine...you can't hide that contagious smile and that twinkle in your eyes that came with you the day you were born. Your chubby little cheeks are still chubby to me and you are one of the cutest little girls to grace this earth. I am so lucky to be your mommy. You love your Heavenly Father and really care about doing what's right. You are so smart and try so hard. You love your family and we would not be us without you! Thanks for coming to our family.....your laugh is contagious and your smile heals. I love you....and you deserve all the celebrating that you seem to expect....thanks for being you!
I remember when you told me you were pregnant with her! What a beautiful girl she is indeed! I have the cutest pictures of her and Marisa as babies at Darolyns apartment, where does the time go? Happy late b-day Sadie!
She is a beautiful baby and girl. I think I will have to have you console me in two years when Hannah turns 10. I am sad your hello kitty days are over. Happy Birthday Sadie, we're glad you moved here to Reno.
Hello! So nice to see your family again & catch up on what you're doing. Your girls are so grown up. Where are your living now?
Hey Jen,
I was searching friends from the old ward on FB and couldn't find you guys so I googled. Are you on FB? I totally forgot about the pins, but what I remember is your oldest running around nakey the whole time. You've got some awesome blackmail now. We've got 3 boys (tornadoes) and the hurricane, our girlie.
Happy B-day, Sadie! We love and miss you so much!
Happy Birthday Sadie! We hope you had a great one! I can't believe you're double digits now...don't grow up! Your mom is right you are an amazing girl. We miss you so much...Liv still has your picture on her nightstand. We'll have to get you both together someday, somewhere, somehow. If you ever runwaway from home again, you know where you can come!
The Lersch Family
Very nice picture.Thank you so much for share.
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