My friends are rallying around me...to help me pull out of my un-expected, couldn't see this coming, where is the fun, depression of sorts. All of my kids are in school for a full day-7am to 3pm...even my little Jake! I feel like a mom with no purpose. In my head there is this battle between what I should be doing, what I could be doing, and what I used to do for 14 years. It doesn't help being stuck in a place in life where I don't know where we will be in 3 weeks and having a house that is not unpacked...I am the mom who loves to clean, cook and do laundry...all gone now...which takes me to Olivia Newton John!
Tomorrow I am being dragged to a Jazzercise class...yes I said it...a Jazzercise class. I shouldn't be blogging right now because I should be at wal-mart picking out my leotard suit, my leg-warmers, and my fuzzy headband! But before I do that I am going to practice my "jazz hands" in the mirror! Watch out Richard Simmons...here comes Jen!
It's easy to say...go get a pedicure...go grocery shopping...read a book...but when you have structured your whole existence on being a mom...and they are gone for all those hours...part of you is lost and I am trying to find me again....I wouldn't have it any other way....and all of you will be here one day or have been here...the joy lays ahead...so for now it is reading all the "twilight books" (I am half way through "Breaking Dawn") and eating poptarts while I sleep in/lay in bed till noon...and of course get my jazzercise groove on! Don't you wish you were me!!!?????
I'm thankful that the ole' Jazzie has finally brought you back to blog land. Have fun!
I have been hearing this a lot lately. Having all the kids gone is not as heavenly as people think its going to be. I talked to an empty nester today that was in tears missing her kids. I am already planning on getting a dog next year when all my kids are gone. It's hard not to waste time when you are alone. Good idea to go get "physical"! Have fun.
My friend who was going through the same thing last year said that it was like losing your job.
"I have been a stay at home mom for 15 years!" She said. "Now I feel like I just got fired."
I can imagine that it is hard! I am in the crazy, chaos, no time for myself phase-- and there are days where I LONG to just read a book in QUIET. But I know that when these little ones are all gone I will miss them terribly...
Now go out and jazzercize your little guts out!! HAVE FUN. :)
What is this CRAP?! You told me you couldn't be more happy and that you were going to party!!! Oh, how reality has a fun way of showing itself. I wish I was there to have some fun with you. We will pass each other in a move I'm afraid. I am finishing up warranty work on my home and then I will be putting it up for sale. Let me know when you get out this way!! Hopefully, we will get to see each other. Oh, yeah... just go to travelocity and use flexible dates. There wasn't anything for Christmas when they had that sale. I think it's really hard getting out this year. I'll let you know if come across any cheap tickets.
Been there, done that...jazzercise is fun. I didn't know it was still around.
I guess i needed to have a few more kids to enjoy the loungign til noon thing.
Mine are all in school and now I get to work for my husband all morning...what did I do wrong? :)
How badly I want to be a fly on the wall at your jazzercize class. If I were there--we could jazz together--with matching leg warmers.
I know how quickly--and slowly life seems to be moving right now. We're in a wierd phase now--and I've known you since all we knew was pre-schoolers, potty training and peanut butter finger painting. We'll get through this phase--with bad days and good days and some jazz hands. Love you!
I seriously had to do a double take, I thought that was you - Not Oliva! You go miss Guthrie, get your jazzercize groove on. And, we won't be laughing when you are even more skinny minnie than you already are!
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