" I believe in the sun even when it is not love even when I am alone...and in God even when He is silent."

inscription found scatched into a wall in Germany, by someone hiding from Nazi concentration camps

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Happy Candy day to all! Welcome to the world of the Guthrie's trick-or-treating....the costumes this year couldn't of been more random than they were...I always envied the families that pulled together the whole theme thing...nope...not us. Paul wouldn't ever put on a costume and for years the girls were so girly and princess-ed out that it just wouldn't come here they true form...have fun...we did...sugar high for days! Yeah!
Photos at my (sniffff sniff...last Kindergarten Halloween party

Jake is the most adorable policeman ever...reallllllly!

Sadie is the cute at 9yrs old. I asked her where her friend Helen was and she said "oh, she's out with some other clown"...I love her!
Shelby is the banana...middle school and she's is making them laugh...she tried to be a banana with a mustache but the mustache wouldn't stick???????

Kailee was an Indian...though she wouldn't trick-or-treat but dressed up to appease her mother!

The whole "nutty" crew!

And this is how a kindergartener who has full day of school (7-3pm), runs around 2 neighborhoods, eats a ton of candy....ends his day...


Shaharac said...

You did a great job! Hat's off to you! Tell me when it gets easier! It will be better next year when I have 3 at the same school as opposed to 3 in 3 schools and my 30 lb. baby on my hip. The costumes were so cute! I love the Banana. Hard to pic a fav though.

♥Shally said...

I love the costumes! The banana is a riot!!

♥Stef said...

Those are some dang cute kids, and costumes- except I am afraid of clowns! You are such a good mom to help in the classroom! Kids love nothing more.

Gillian said...

Where, oh where did you find the banana costume??? Love it! Lauren also refused to trick-or-treat this year. But I guess after being practically run off the sidewalk by obnoxious teenagers--I shouldn't complain.
They all look fabulous!

Bountiful Blessings said...

Too cute. They all look like they had a blast. You gotta love school Halloween parties. Miss you.

The Barker Clan said...

Cute, cute kids Jenn. I can't believe how Kailee is the spitting image of you. Your children are adorable. Good thing PAul marrid someone so beautiful. hehehe!! Love ya Paul!

guthriegang said...

they look great!!!! looks like you had a blast!! hudson thought he needed to eat every piece of candy that was given to him....we were experiencing that sugar high too!!!!

The Guthrie's in 2006

The Guthrie's in 2006