" I believe in the sun even when it is not love even when I am alone...and in God even when He is silent."

inscription found scatched into a wall in Germany, by someone hiding from Nazi concentration camps

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What I've been up to

This is what I have added to my helps keep my mind off of missing my kids at school, worrying about moving across the country...when-right?...and being mad at myself for reading all day long (loved the Host by stephanie myers) when I should be doing laundry or other mom is fun to be creative again!


guthriegang said...

love the signs! what a fun project to fill your time! what's up with the move?! call me and fill me in!

♥Shally said...

Wow! You are talented!!

Michelle said...

Hey Jen, Sorry I'm stalking you through Gillian's blog. But I love the signs! Looks like your doing really good, I'm going to have to start stealing your ideas.

The Guthrie's in 2006

The Guthrie's in 2006