Tonight I was putting Jake to bed....wait...rewind -
yesterday I was on mommy burn-out so I took off...I took myself out to dinner, went to Barns & Noble (spent most of my time looking for books for my children???? remember me time), went to a movie (road to ?? with richard gere...boring...horrible!), and yes a little wal-mart...we needed bread. I didn't want to be with anyone..talk to anyone...except, of course, Gil who is always there to laugh at me when I am sour...and gets me! So off I was for some alone time.....
o.k. back to tonight...Jake going to bed....I say to Jake "give me some kisses 'cause I missed you last night" of which Jake says "where did you go?" I tell him that Mommy needed a break and then he says "oh, you went to the grocery store" hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......
is that what my children think...that when mommies need breaks we take off to the grocery store for some heel kicking good times? I think I need to get out more...and my kids need to see me doing it! Maybe next "mommy break down" moment I'll head to a laundro-mat, volunteer to do some yard work, or clean some strangers house....'cause that is what my sweet little pumpkins think I do for fun!
*side note - I haven't been blogging 'cause I lack motivation, I think of funny things to write but logging on takes too much brain power, and I have been busy...refer to above!
Of course he thinks you went grocery shopping. What else could there possibly be for you to do??? In fact, you should go "grocery shopping" more often, if you know what I mean. It's like all the "Bishop's meetings" I have to go to on Sundays. Wink wink.
Thanks for the movie warning--I'll pick something else when I go "grocery shopping". Hope your little break was long enough--next time drive to Texas!
I'm glad you had 'me time' even if that cute little Jake thinks mommy time is the grocery store. AND, fyi - I don't know that I have ever gone to our Wal Mart - yes, now with in walking distance of my house without thinking of you. Remember when I lived above you and we used to do the occasional Wal Mart run. You must blog - I want to know what's going on with you guys, where are you? I'm losing my Tom to work, he is going be gone at least 5 days a week M-F he will come home for the weekends. Go get a pedicure, wish we could go together. You deserve a few more hours!
Everytime I get my purse, my girls ask "Mommy? You go to gwocewy sto?"
They are right 99% of the time.
How sad...
So happy to have you back! Just got text from Shelby. We miss you all so much. All my lovin'!
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