I must of done something pretty good in my pre-life to of been given this time with the 4 (and one lost) children that I have....I have tasted happiness with a wonderful husband and doubled it each time we have welcomed a child into our family....I am me because of them....
I watched my best friend lose a toddler this year....I am forever changed and though I didn't take my children for granted ( I hope I didn't) before....I do see things differently....I still ache for my friend- Gil- and for me because I would do anything to take away someone's suffering....but I see each minute with our precious children differently....each year will feel like a different milestone to me....more of a gift then it even did before. And because I know Gil will read this...and I know I am making her cry because I am crying while I write it.....Gil....you have made me a better mother....we have had all our children within months of each other....and I have turned to you almost daily since our parenting began.....I was scanning these pictures and I remember Justin and Shelby watching teletubbies together while Lauren and Kai were probably putting peanut butter all over your couch! I celebrate Shelby today....but I give credit to an amazing Heavenly Father from whom all is given....and the blessing of friends who help us on this journey of joys and sorrows....my blessings are incredible!
Cottonwood Hospital, Utah....day Shelby was born!

Kailee and Shelby 1st day home

Shelby at 5 months old

Shelby's 2nd bday...see the teletubby hat!

Shelby 3yrs old

Shelby's first day of preschool

11 years old......11 wonderful years!
Crepes for the birthday breakfast
Momo and Carolina were in on the festivities and pulled up a chair
A make-over at Nordstroms and lunch at Cheesecake Factory
The trying on of wigs...a right of passage into middle school in our family!
Shelby got the cash register....a realllllll one....that she wanted more than anything (when I was her age I wanted an adding machine....genetics in full force!
They'll be ringing me up for every foot massage and back rub from here on out!
And mommy's homemade strawberry filled whipcream cake.....a great day for an amazing daughter!
you had me in tears. what a wonderful message to your daughter, to all other mothers. i echo your feelings. sometimes i am amazed at the love and the trust our heavenly fathers gives to us. happy birthday shelby! think we are coming to visit the last week in july? how does that work for you?
I love you, Jen. Thanks for making me cry--again.
Happy number eleven to Shelby--what an awesome day you had. What memories we have of Shelby and Justin as little babies and toddlers. I can't believe how fast it's flown. I hate that.
Thanks for being so awesome.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Shelby, Happy Birthday to you! Here's to an incredible, smart, beautiful & sassy young lady! We love you so much!! XOXO
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